Make your own E-Map by Silverlight 2+Deep Zoom in 3-mins

Hi All

If you has been use Google earth or Baidu Map, you know that their E-Map is support Drag by mouse, Zoom In/Out, very splendid.

Now, we can make our own E-map by Deep Zoom Composer Tool (may be in the next version of Microsoft Expression Blend) and Silverlight 2.

Download Deep Zoom Composer the file is small, need Sliverlight on client-side.

Ok, here we go:

1.Create a new project by Deep Zoom Composer

2. Click the "ADD Image" to add a big image:

3. If you need more images, just click "add image" again to add them, and then, click the "Compose" button to the next step

4. Drag and Drop our images to the center, and adjust their size and position. you can also click the "Layer View" to adjust the z-index of images

4. After that, let's click the "Export" button to export the Silverlight project:

Click the "Preview in browser" you can see the E-Map in the browser.

If you see the Sliverlight project folder, you can see the tool has create about 10 layers image pieces for us:

And the Silverlight project file:

Click to download the solution: